Centner Academy Case Study

Customer Case Study - Lifesaving Information in under a second - When reaction times can mean everything

Download Lifesaving Information in Under a Second

When reaction times can mean everything.

Centner Academy

Located in Miami, FL, Centner Academy focuses on a unique blend of student academics, well being, and security. Founded in 2018, the school has grown considerably and will soon be opening a high school.

Protecting Students in a City Environment

Centner Academy has two campuses supporting over 300 Pre-K to 8th-grade students and 90 faculty in metro Miami, Florida. Centner Academy’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Ms. Leila Centner, has made the security of her schools a priority by adopting an automated, multi-layered approach. When the school’s security systems vendor, Elite Integration Solutions (EIS) recommended indoor gunshot detection, the concept immediately made sense to her. “With how crazy our world has become—hearing all these stories in the news, gun shootings happening at schools—it interested me right away that we can add another layer of protection for our schools, our faculty, and our students,” said Centner. EIS worked with Shooter Detection Systems (SDS) to integrate the SDS Indoor Gunshot Detection System into the school’s existing VMS and access control systems. Centner Academy’s automated approach has removed the human errors that naturally occur under duress, for example, the delivery of misinformation that can confuse the situation for first responders.