Please Join SDS at GSX 2023. September 11th to the 13th, in Dallas, TX.

Join Us at Booth 4345

We cannot wait to see you at GSX! Join us to see what’s new with SDS and how we can create safer spaces together.

A GSX Special Invitation

Join us on Tuesday, September 12th in the SDS Booth #4345 at 3pm for this fast, informative educational session.

Active shooter situations unfold rapidly, leaving little time to react, and it takes organizational resilience to truly be prepared.

In this session, FBI (ret) Active Shooter Subject Matter Expert Jin Kim will share insider expertise on threat assessment and what it takes to build a program based on resiliency against modern day threats. Attendees will gain actionable takeaways to start assessing vulnerabilities, close security gaps, and build a resilient posture for any active shooter crisis, so you can be ready for all types of active threats.

Want a reminder so you don’t miss it? Email our Director of Communications for a calendar invitation.

Students in a school hallway

SDS SecureGrants Program

Strengthening Communities for a Safer Tomorrow

In line with its unwavering commitment to safety and security, SDS proudly introduces its SecureGrants program, a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower safer communities with security funding.

This philanthropic initiative, fully funded by SDS, strategically matches organizations with funding opportunities, optimizing their chances of obtaining cutting-edge security infrastructure through available grant monies.

With SecureGrants, we match qualified organizations with the most competitive grants that suit their individual circumstances and support them throughout the entire grant writing and submission process, significantly increasing their chances of success.

Personalized support and guidance from experienced Grant Writers
Comprehensive security solutions funding is available – not limited to gunshot detection
Pro-bono program underwritten by SDS to benefit partners and customers
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SDS Emergency Response Service Dashboard

Introducing ResponderLink

ResponderLink completes the circle from detection to 911 notification to first responder awareness, giving law enforcement the enhanced situational intelligence they urgently need to save lives. Built on SDS’ proven gunshot detection system and utilizing Noonlight’s SendPolice platform, ResponderLink is the first solution to deliver real-time gunshot detection data directly to 911 call centers, helping first responders arrive to the scene prepared.

Gunshot alerts & shot location to the PSAP, enabling better coordination of emergency response
911 dispatcher access to real-time location updates via web URL dashboard helps first responders gain situational awareness of the incident in progress
Instant three-way communications between: Noonlight Safety Agent, 911 operator, and customer via SMS and web URL dashboard
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Download Our Product Information Sheets

SDS Indoor Product Sheet

SDS Indoor Technical Specification Sheet

Whitepaper: Reducing Response Times with Gunshot Detection

SDS Dealer Program

SDS Authorized Dealer Program

SDS Starter Pack Description

SDS Starter Kit

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